Liste des bourses

Bienvenue sur notre liste de bourses pour le site Bourses-étudiants ! Cette liste a été créée pour aider les étudiants du monde entier à trouver des opportunités de bourses pour poursuivre leurs études supérieures et leurs recherches dans divers domaines. Cette liste présente des bourses offertes par une variété d'organisations, telles que des gouvernements, des universités, des entreprises et des organismes à but non lucratif. Les bourses peuvent couvrir différents frais, tels que les frais de scolarité, les frais de subsistance, les frais de voyage et autres frais connexes. Les bourses peuvent être une excellente opportunité pour les étudiants de réaliser leurs rêves académiques, de se développer professionnellement et de contribuer au monde grâce à leurs recherches innovantes. Nous espérons que cette liste vous aidera à trouver la bourse idéale pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs académiques et professionnels.

(1) Nationality: Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. An applicant who has Japanese nationality at the time of application is...


Bourses d’étude : Italie 2018 – Politecnico Milano Politecnico Milano Considering the membership of Politecnico di Milano in UNITECH International, Considering the dec...


The University of Adelaide offers a scholarship program for commencing international students undertaking undergraduate study. Scholarships in this program have the following condi...


The College of Europe offers a large number of scholarships to university graduates coming from European Neighbourhood Policy countries for post-graduate studies at the College o...


Am I eligible? You must be one of the following: Australian student visa holder You must meet the following criteria: Intending to enrol full-time in an undergraduate or postgradua...


The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship programme targeting exceptionally talented Master’s students from outside Europe. The Amsterdam Excellence Schol...


 Benefits Enrolled international students spend 12 months in residence at the Yenching Academy, with the possibility to extend for a second year For students from China (including...


OUR CRITERIA Please review our eligibility criteria below to see if you are a fit for our STEM Scholars Program ARAB CITIZEN You must hold no other passport. Preference given to re...


.OUR CRITERIA : Please review our eligibility criteria below to see if you are a fit for our STEM Scholars Program ARAB CITIZEN  You must hold no other passport. Preference given ...


.OUR CRITERIA : Please review our eligibility criteria below to see if you are a fit for our STEM Scholars Program ARAB CITIZEN  You must hold no other passport. Preference given ...


.OUR CRITERIA : Please review our eligibility criteria below to see if you are a fit for our STEM Scholars Program ARAB CITIZEN  You must hold no other passport. Preference given ...


.OUR CRITERIA : Please review our eligibility criteria below to see if you are a fit for our STEM Scholars Program ARAB CITIZEN  You must hold no other passport. Preference given ...


.OUR CRITERIA : Please review our eligibility criteria below to see if you are a fit for our STEM Scholars Program ARAB CITIZEN  You must hold no other passport. Preference given ...


Cat­egor­ies Fully Funded Grant (Tuition fee + 10 000 EUR) Full Tuition fee Grant Study Grant (10 000 EUR) Tuition fees range from 13 000 to 18 000 euros. The scholarship will ...
