HAN University of Applied Sciences l Bourses-etudiants.ma

HAN University of Applied Sciences – Netherlands

HAN University of Applied Sciences, commonly referred to as HAN or Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, is a leading educational institution located in the Netherlands. With a strong focus on applied sciences and practical learning, HAN offers a wide range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs across various fields of study.




Bourses proposées par HAN University of Applied Sciences – Netherlands

Détails du programme : « Licence, Master at HAN University of Applied Sciences – Bourse d’études Pays-Bas 2024 »   Les candidatures aux bourses d’études HAN a...


The HAN University Scholarship offer an incredible opportunity for international students aiming to study in one of Europe’s most vibrant educational landscapes. With the 2024-20...

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