
University of Basel

The University of Basel (German: Universität Basel) is located in Basel, Switzerland. Founded on 4 April 1460, it is Switzerland’s oldest university and among the world’s oldest surviving universities. The university is traditionally counted among the leading institutions of higher learning in the country.
The associated Basel University Library is the largest and among the most important libraries in the country. The university hosts the faculties of theology, law, medicine, humanities and social sciences, science, psychology, and business and economics, as well as numerous cross-disciplinary subjects and institutes, such as the Biozentrum for biomedical research and the Institute for European Global Studies. In 2016, the University boasted 12,852 students and 377 professors. International students accounted for 24 percent of the student body.




Bourses proposées par University of Basel

Application Deadline: June 15, 2020 Course Level: Fellowships are available for pursuing PhD degree level. Study Subject: Fellowships are tenable in Molecular Life Sciences. N...


Degree: PhD Deadline: 30 Nov 2019 Scholarship value: Partial Funding, CHF 1,500 The associated Basel University Library is the largest and among the most important libraries in ...


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